Research and Study Program

The research and study program presents events, masterclasses and exhibitions to the public. To see more about our calendar please visit here link or our facebook page link.

The research and study program students are chosen through a yearly open call. Follow the link for more information:


Student biographies from the 2022-2023 year.

Student biographies for the 2023-2024 year.

Student biographies for the 2024-2025 year.

Visiting Artistic Researcher biographies for the program.

Staff biographies.

The research and study program is made in collaboration with the Myymälä2 Artistic Research Institute and is supported by Kone Foundation and Saastamoinen Foundation.

The first Microtonal Music Studios Research and Study Programme Exhibition and Event Week 21-27.11.2022 in Myymälä2 gallery. Programme and bios here.

The second Microtonal Music Studios Research and Study Programme Exhibition and Event Week 09-19.05.2024 in Myymälä2 gallery. Programme and bios here.

The third Microtonal Music Studios Research and Study Programme Exhibition and Event Week 20.02-09.03.2025 in Myymälä2 gallery. Programme and bios here.

Activity for the year 2023/2024

08-09.06.2024 — workshop by Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola: Writing with Echo and the Space Between at Myymälä2 gallery

09.06.2024 — in conversation with Timo Tuhkanen, Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, and Linsa Sormin at Myymälä2 gallery

08.06.2024 — performance by Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola at Myymälä2 gallery

06.06.2024 — performance by Linda Sormin at Myymälä2 gallery

18.05.2024 — performance by Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola at Myymälä2 gallery

18.05.2024 — performance by Tianjun Li: Today, Tomorrow, and the Tales of the Wind at Myymälä2 gallery

17.05.2024 — lecture performance and screening of new work for violin and video by Ryo Sugiyama at Myymälä2 gallery

17.05.2024 — lecture-performance by Dylan Rodgers: Transcending Scales, Exploring Intonation, Modulation and Melodic Movement in Arab Monal Theory at Myymälä2 gallery

16.05.2024 — concert by Stéphane Clor: Rhizome, at Myymälä2 gallery

08.04.2024 — lecture-performance by Juhani Nuorvala and Eija Kankaanranta: Kantele in Microtonal Music at Myymälä2 gallery

15.03.2024 — talk by Robert Prakapowicz: Thoughts on classification and categorization of microtone music techniques at Myymälä2 gallery

21.02.2024 — concert by Rebecca Minten and Laura Mehmeti at Myymälä2 gallery

13.02.2024 — talk by Hans-Gunter Lock: Bohlen-Pierce, Instruments and Tonal Possibilities at Myymälä2 gallery

10.12.2023 — talk by Dylan Rodgers: Tunings and Temperaments: Theory, Praxis and Problems at Myymälä2 gallery

26.11.2023 — concert by Andrus Kallastu: IKOSIDIFONIA for 22edo trio at Myymälä2 gallery

10.11.2023 — Marc Sabat open seminar at Myymälä2 gallery

03-09.11.2023 — Tolgahan Çoğulu masterclass and lecture-performance at Myymälä2 gallery

Activity for the year 2022/2023:

31.03.2023 — Taksu: Evening of Experimental Balinese Music, Community Concert at Pikku-Huopalahden Youth community house.

26.03.2023 — Dewa Alit masterclass at Myymälä2 gallery

25.03.2023 — Diemo Schwarz live at Myymälä2 gallery

12.03.2023 — Shinji Kanki open seminar at Myymälä2 gallery

27.02.-05.03.2023 — Microtonal Music Studios Exhibition and Event Week at Myymälä2 gallery all students participating

05.03.2023 — Performances by Miikka Lehto, Teemu Ruissalo & Alex Raitanen, and Mateo Mena & Anna Matveinen

03.03.2023 — Concert by Natalie Hogue

03.03.2023 — Workshop by Marc Sabat

02.03.2023 — Concert by Timo Tuhkanen & Gonzalo Muruaga

02.03.2023 — Workshop by Hans-Gunter Lock

01.03.2023 — Workshop by Natalie Hogue

28.02.2023 — Screening by visiting curator Zhenhua Li

27.02.2023 — Opening and communal music practice

21.11.-27.11.2022 — Microtonal Music Studios Exhibition and Event Week at Myymälä2 gallery all students participating

27.11.2022 — Concert by Teemu Mastovaara & Anna Sofia Kallio

26.11.2022 — Concert by Nicolina Stylianou

24.11.2022 — Concert by Teemu Ruissalo

23.11.2022 — Concert by Timo Pyhälä & Markku Toikkanen

22.11.2022 — Talk: Why Tuning Matters?

21.11.2022 — Opening of exhibition